Joel Ario Quoted on Utah's Request for Hybrid Exchange Model

Joel Ario Quoted on Utah's Request for Hybrid Exchange Model

"Utah Governor Says Sebelius Open to Hybrid Exchange Model"
CQ HealthBeat

February 6, 2013 - CQ HealthBeat quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on Utah's request that the United States Department of Health and Human Services certify its small business exchange as complying with the healthcare law.

As reported by CQ HealthBeat, the health reform law provides for the creation of two types of health insurance exchanges: one for individuals and another for small businesses. States can also create an exchange for both individuals and small businesses. However, the federal government will operate an exchange if a state doesn't operate its own.

Utah has requested that HHS certify its small business exchange as complying with the law, while the federal government runs an exchange in the state for individuals. Utah's request is unique, as it would be a hybrid approach.

HHS has developed a partnership option, in which the federal government and a state share responsibilities. But, so far, such a collaboration hasn't taken the particular form outlined by Utah officials.

Ario, who ran the federal office overseeing exchange creation earlier in the Obama administration, said HHS officials explored that half-and-half approach in developing the partnership option. He said HHS officials floated the idea in September 2011, but no state expressed interest at the time. HHS also shelved the idea because it hadn't resolved other policy concerns relating to the approach, he added.



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