Manatt Professional Talks to Modern Healthcare on Essential Benefits Clarity

Manatt Professional Talks to Modern Healthcare on Essential Benefits Clarity

"No Surprises in Final Essential-Benefits Rule"
Modern Healthcare

February 20, 2013 - Manatt's Ian Spatz, a senior advisor with Manatt Health Solutions, spoke to Modern Healthcare about how the final rule on essential health benefits will affect states and health insurers.

As reported by Modern Healthcare, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services released a final regulation on the health reform law's essential health benefits, actuarial value and accreditation provisions. The final rule maps out standards for the core set of benefits that insurers must cover, including items and services within at least 10 categories. The final rule closely follows the proposed rule issued last November.

"I think this is really good for the states and health plans, because they've been proceeding along on the basis of the proposed rule and don't have to change midcourse," said Spatz.

Read the article here.



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