• 06.17.22

    Meal, Rest Break Violations Trigger Additional Penalties in California

    Employers that fail to provide premium pay for missed meal and rest periods in California face additional monetary penalties under the state’s Labor Code, according to a unanimous decision from the California Supreme Court.

  • 06.17.22

    EEOC, DOJ Release AI Guidance

    To avoid running afoul of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently released guidance to help employers using artificial intelligence for employment-related decisions.

  • 06.17.22

    Mild, Temporary COVID Symptoms Not a FEHA Disability

    A California federal court determined that mild, temporary symptoms of COVID-19 do not qualify as a disability under the Fair Employment and Housing Act, granting summary judgment in favor of an employer.

  • 06.17.22

    State Law Trend: Paid Family Leave

    Coming soon to a state near you: paid family leave, with Delaware and Maryland joining the growing number of jurisdictions to enact new laws.

  • 06.15.22

    Supreme Court Delivers a PAGA Win to Employers

    Today, the United States Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Viking River Cruises, Inc. v. Moriana, Case No. 20-1573, regarding California’s ban on Private Attorney General Act representative waivers in employment arbitration agreements.

  • 05.19.22

    Court Strikes Down California’s Board Diversity Mandate

    California’s first-of-its-kind law mandating diversity on boards of directors was declared unconstitutional by a superior court in April.

  • 05.19.22

    California Supreme Court to Consider Employer Liability for Worker’s Wife’s COVID-19

    The U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, has certified two questions to the California Supreme Court about the liability of employers when an employee contracts COVID-19 at work and brings the virus home to a spouse.

  • 05.19.22

    Regulators Consider Employer Use of AI in Employment Decisions

    The legality of the use of artificial intelligence  in employment decision making should be on the radar for employers, as multiple regulators are addressing the issue.

  • 05.19.22

    California Legislature Considers Employment-Related Bills

    The California legislature has several employment-related bills under consideration, including a law that would prohibit discrimination against marijuana users, another that would provide protections for employees with safety concerns and allow them to leave work without notice, and a measure that ...

  • 04.13.22

    EEOC Releases New Guidance on Caregivers

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has released new guidance on caregivers, addressing potential issues that could result in discrimination claims against employers based on caregiver responsibilities.



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