Manatt Honored for Pro Bono Leadership

The Inner City Law Center will honor Manatt with the organization's prestigious Humanitarian Award on June 5, during the ICLC's thirteenth annual awards luncheon in Los Angeles.

The awards luncheon, which will include more than 400 leaders from the Los Angeles legal, business, and civic communities, will also honor former Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis.

Inner City Law Center, the only provider of legal services on skid row in downtown Los Angeles, works to combat slum housing throughout Los Angeles and develop strategies to end homelessness. The ICLC partners with firms like Manatt to fight for justice for low-income tenants, working poor families, immigrants, people who are homeless or disabled, and veterans.

In its announcement, the organization noted that Manatt "has been one of Inner City Law Center's most consistent and generous supporters," with attorneys and staff devoting more than 1,300 hours to ICLC's clients in 2012.

"Manatt was instrumental in shepherding the Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act through the California State Legislature," the organization said. "And, as soon as the Shriver Act was passed, Manatt lawyers took the lead in pursuing pro bono cases on behalf of Inner City Law Center clients facing eviction."

Manatt helped guide the organization's policy work, represented low-income tenants facing habitability issues or unlawful evictions, assisted veterans who were improperly denied VA benefits, and

fought against discrimination targeting people living with HIV/AIDS.




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