In his latest column for Daily Journal, Benjamin Shatz explained the most significant appellate news from 2024.
Manatt Appellate Senior Counsel Michael Berger discussed the federal government’s continual takings of property without compensating the owners.
Manatt Health professionals wrote a Health Affairs article discussing how integrated care models rarely address the needs of dually eligible populations I/DD.
Randy Grossman and Misa Eiritz wrote an article for Daily Journal on the history of and potential changes to the DOJ’s corporate compliance guidance.
Manatt's Bruce Zisser wrote an article for IP Litigator discussing the importance of applying proper apportionment to damage calculations in a patent case.
Kalon Gutierrez discussed ways to establish a meaningful side hustle with enduring value in today’s growing economy.
Randy Grossman, Rick Hartunian, Misa Eiritz and Russell Potter wrote an article for California Litigation discussing the risks and rewards of attorney proffers.
Manatt’s Bezalel Stern and Bryce Brenda wrote a Law360 article about the Federal Trade Commission’s Negative Option Rule and legal challenges that imperil it.
Benjamin Shatz highlighted the desires and frustrations of an appellate lawyer through a series of creative personals and want ads.
Manatt’s David Schur wrote an article for Compliance Today discussing how the FTC’s noncompete ban will apply to health care organizations if reinstated.