While providers are showing great interest in creating ACOs to participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), they are showing even greater enthusiasm for organizing ACOs to contract with private insurers.
The 30 day statute of limitations for CEQA challenges was upheld to bar litigation alleging that a project, as constructed, was different from how that project was described in the CEQA document.
On July 21, Forbes.com published an article by Manatt’s Sports Law Practice Group Chair, Ron Katz, on the class action brought by former UCLA basketball player, Ed O’Bannon, against the NCAA.
L’Oreal deceptively advertised skincare products with unsubstantiated claims that they could provide antiaging benefits by targeting consumers’ genetic makeups, the Federal Trade Commission charged in an administrative complaint.
Depending on whom you ask, Operation Choke Point has a promising future ahead of it – or will soon be history.
On July 25, 2014, Manatt litigation partner Donna Wilson will speak at a session titled “All About the Telephone Consumer Protection Act” during Bridgeport Continuing Education’s Advertising, Marketing & Media Law: Litigation & Best Practices Seminar.
While recognizing the benefits of using new sources of information, the National Advertising Division (NAD) decided that an advertiser’s use of aggregated online reviews was insufficiently reliable and representative to support a claim that its vacuum was “America’s Most ...
Striking a blow to the President and the National Labor Relations Board, the U.S. Supreme Court held that three recess appointments made by President Barack Obama in January 2012 were invalid.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released on June 26 its long-awaited report on virtual currencies undertaken at the request of Senator Tom Carper, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs.
During passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a debate erupted over the future of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), a well-established program that now offers coverage to 8 million children in low- and moderate-income families.