• 06.02.11

    Stimulus Programs Aim at Health IT Problems

    With a nod toward averting future problems as well as educating the public about current ones, the federal government's campaign to move the health care industry into the digital age spawned a couple of offshoots over the past two months.HHS announced it will award a contract to develop ways to ...

  • 06.02.11

    Selling Distressed Assets

    Three types of distressed-loan sales are options worth considering for financial institutions seeking to improve their balance sheets.The current economic climate and ongoing attention from regulators have financial institutions under growing pressure to raise capital to improve balance sheets. Not ...

  • 06.02.11

    Ninth Circuit Widens Split on Copyright Registration Issue

    This article was originally published in the May 28, 2010 issue of the Los Angeles Daily Journal and the San Francisco Daily Journal.The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals finally has chosen sides in a slowly developing dispute over a technical but important issue—namely, whether a ...

  • 06.02.11

    Government Making Progress on Federal Stimulus Provisions

    The federal government continues to move ahead with implementing various provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This update summarizes certain significant developments since early March.Health IT On April 6, HHS announced more than $267 million in awards to 28 additional ...

  • 06.02.11

    Healthcare Stimulus Funding Process Picking Up Speed

    Manatt Partner Helen Pfister and Manatt Associate Karyn Bell's article, "Health Care Stimulus Funding Process Picking Up Speed," was released in iHealthBeat, a daily news digest reporting on technology's impact on health care, today. The article outlines the progress the federal ...

  • 06.02.11

    State Regulation of De-Identified Health Information

    New Hampshire Are Getting It Wrong on Privacy, Might Kill Healthcare's Golden Goose

  • 06.02.11

    U.S. Seeks Input for Establishing Regional IT Extension Centers

    In addition to well-publicized incentives to get doctors to start using electronic health records, the federal stimulus package also dangles financial carrots to encourage the establishment of what will amount to a new mini-industry involved with helping those doctors choose and use EHRs.In one of ...

  • 06.01.11

    The Current Regulatory Environment and its Impact on Bank Directors

    The regulatory response to negative bank cycles evolve into three distinct phases.First, pessimistic, negative and critical examinations with calls for increased capital and other remedial action. Second, a significant increase in the number of bank closures. Third, litigation against officers and ...

  • 06.01.11

    Health IT Moves Forward With Privacy, Consent

    The federal government continues to move ahead with implementing various provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This update summarizes significant developments in July and August.Committee OKs Privacy RecommendationsThe Office of the National Coordinator for Health ...

  • 06.01.11

    Avoiding Social Networking Land Mines for Employers

    In October, Facebook responded to yet another round of questions regarding a recent privacy breach, which resulted in an inquiry by several members of Congress. Congress’ involvement highlights the fact that Facebook and other social media sites are much more than just fun networking tools. ...



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