• 06.06.12

    Regulatory: Why California's Cap and Trade Program Impacts Every Business

    The January 2013 start of California’s first-in-the-nation program to cap greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and create a market to buy and sell carbon emissions is receiving daily attention from regulators, environmentalists and California’s industrial sector. Stakeholders and industry ...

  • 06.05.12

    FTC Considers Applying Online Disclosure Guidelines to Emerging Digital, Mobile Platforms

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hosted a full-day public workshop on May 30 to consider whether its current guidelines for disclosures in online advertising, known as the Dot-Com Disclosures, need to be modified or revised in light of the technological advances in digital, social and mobile ...

  • 06.01.12

    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Claims

    The federal government has ramped up enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in recent years. Generally speaking, the FCPA prohibits U.S. companies (and foreign companies with certain U.S. ties) from bribing foreign government officials to further their business interests. This ...

  • 05.21.12

    The Many Moving Pieces of California's Cap and Trade Program

    The calendar says May 2012, so what does that mean for California’s attempts to implement a first-in-the-nation, economy-wide Cap and Trade Program? Actually quite a bit. There are many moving parts in this complex regulatory puzzle being assembled by the California Air Resources Board (Board ...

  • 05.10.12

    Time to Put Your 10-K on a Diet

    Another Form 10-K Annual Report filing season has ended for most U.S. banking organizations.This means that publicly traded banks and bank holding companies have filed 10-Ks with Supervision and Regulation ("Sup & Reg") sections, along with a corresponding set of regulatory risk factors, which ...

  • 05.08.12

    FDA Regulation of 'Cosmeceuticals:' More Wrinkles Coming?

    Compared to other popular direct response product categories, such as dietary supplements, over-the-counter drugs (e.g., anti-acne creams) and medical devices (e.g., wrinkle and acne reducing lights), cosmetics are subject to far less Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation. Unlike those ...

  • 05.03.12

    Eliminate All Incentive Compensation

    Arnold Schwarzenegger said, when he was first elected as governor of California, that he wanted to "blow up the boxes" of the state bureaucracy.The ongoing challenges presented by executive compensation, methods of paying executive compensation and inherent risks associated with certain ...

  • 05.03.12

    Health Reform – Genie Is Out of the Bottle

    The cherry-picking of harsh Supreme Court questions about the Affordable Care Act has fed a misleading impression that health reform is on life support or perhaps already deceased. Here’s the reality -- health reform continues. Virtually every state is now engaged in using federal grants to ...

  • 04.24.12

    Planning to Manage the Renewable Generation Gap: the 'Nudge' vs. the 'Shove'

    Manatt partner David Huard, chair of the firm’s Energy, Environment and Natural Resources practice group, authored an article, “Planning to Manage the Renewable Generation Gap: the ‘Nudge’ vs. the ‘Shove’,” for the September 17, 2010, edition of BNA Daily ...



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