• 10.24.14

    The Multifamily Upcycle Still Has Legs

    The multifamily for-rent housing sector remains strong and is continuing to attract capital investment. With demand for apartments consistently increasing over the past few years, efforts to develop sufficient supply has lagged behind. This trend appears to be setting the stage for investments in ...

  • 10.17.14

    Governor Races Are Key to 2016 Election

    In terms of governing, the battle for partisan control of the United States Senate is the most important political contest on this year's ballot. But for those trying to read the tea leaves for early signs of advantage heading into the 2016 presidential contest, the governors' races will be the ...

  • 10.13.14

    'Health Care'-Related Calls: Ambiguity at the Intersection of HIPAA and TCPA

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established exemptions from certain requirements of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) for health care messages regulated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Although this exemption initially appears to ...

  • 10.07.14

    Like It or Not, Obamacare Is Reshaping the Healthcare Industry

    As we approach the one-year anniversary of Obamacare's launch, the pundits continue to argue over whether or not it's working. Meanwhile, something much bigger is happening. Whatever you think of its merits, the Affordable Care Act is re-shaping American healthcare, radically altering business ...

  • 10.06.14

    LA: The Epicenter of Digital Media/Tech Innovation

    The latest examples? Otter Media's acquisition of leading multi-channel network (MCN) Fullscreen for a deal reported to value the company up to $300 million - and Corus Entertainment's lead position in a new $12 million investment in women's-focused MCN Kin Community.And it's not ...

  • 10.01.14

    What Property Did You Think You Were Buying?

    EVP for acquisitions calls her favorite lawyer: "We're buying Three Rivers Shopping Center, so get going on due diligence."Favorite lawyer immediately calls title company: "I need a title report on Three Rivers Shopping Center, ASAP," and surveyor: "I need a survey of ...

  • 10.01.14

    A Clash for Control of the Senate

    The battle for control of the State Senate is fully underway.Normally, three to five Senate seats are swing seats in an election cycle in New York -- meaning they can be won by Democrats or Republicans. This year, however, eight to nine seats fit that description: three and perhaps four on Long ...

  • 09.29.14

    Cleared for Sales, Airport Retail Takes Off

    Over the last decade, U.S. airport in-terminal dining and retail programs have begun a transformation. As passengers' time spent within terminals has increased, the demand for enhanced airport in-terminal experiences has equally increased. In turn, the state and local governments that own and ...

  • 09.25.14

    Feds Not Likely to Provide NEPA Guidance on Climate Change Any Time Soon

    Federal permittees and practitioners have been waiting more than four years for the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to issue final guidance on how to address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document. A recent letter from CEQ and the ...

  • 09.18.14

    Reference Pricing and Network Adequacy Standards: Conflict or Concord?

    With benefit designs and enrollee cost-sharing increasingly standardized across health plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), one of the remaining levers plans have to differentiate themselves - and to control premiums - is the size of their provider networks. Regulators have been caught in a ...



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