• 09.16.14

    Six Lessons From Last Week's Primary

    Now that the dust is settling on the pundits' snap takeaways from last week's gubernatorial primary, let's focus on what I like to call the "carry forwards". I see six factors emerging from the primary that will impact November's election and the next governor's term.

  • 09.10.14

    States Sue 5-Hour Energy Over Advertising: Lessons for Industry

    If you have ever been near a cash register, chances are you have seen that small, ubiquitous red bottle called "5-Hour Energy." You probably have even tried it; about 9 million bottles are sold every day. The company's attorneys better have a lot of it on hand just to keep up with legal ...

  • 09.09.14

    Whether a Buyer or Seller, Good Preparation is a Recipe for Success in M&A

    Despite the recent period of anemic and uncertain economic growth, mergers and acquisitions activity within the food and beverage industry has shown continued strength. This level of activity has been due to the confluence of a number of positive factors. These include changes in consumer behavior ...

  • 09.04.14

    Put Bank Penalties To Work For New York

    It's rare that the imperatives of good policy so easily meld with political viability. But the stars are beginning to align on a statewide infrastructure plan.We learned in July that New York State would get $3.3 billion from the sanctions imposed on the French bank BNP Paribas. By late last month, ...

  • 08.26.14

    MCNs - Why Do They Matter?

    I write a lot about the multi-channel network digital video world. And, I follow it closely. Why? Is it because I think MCNs are the only relevant players in the new world video ecosystem?Of course not!Rather, I follow them so closely because the rise of MCNs - and the massive M&A and ...

  • 08.22.14

    NY In High Demand for International Investors

    While real estate, at least before the 2008 recession, had been generally considered a prudent investment, this maxim seems to still hold true in some core market cities - particularly in New York where real estate values were relatively less affected by the downturn and have been generally quicker ...

  • 08.18.14

    MCN 101: Your 'Back to School' Guide to Key M&A, Investments, Partnerships

    The overall multi-platform video/media and multi-channel network space continues to be white hot, with accelerating M&A, strategic, and venture capital investments, and an ever-growing list of significant strategic partnerships. Tough to keep up with it all, but my team and I at Manatt Digital ...

  • 08.14.14

    O'Bannon v. NCAA Opinion Contradicts Itself And Is Likely To Be Overturned

    Like many critics of the NCAA, the judge who decided the highly publicized O'Bannon v. NCAA case criticized the lack of education provided to the student-athletes. She quotes in her opinion the lead plaintiff, Ed O'Bannon, a former star basketball player at UCLA, testifying that he felt like ...

  • 08.12.14

    When Negotiating Your JV, Watch For…

    For good reason, one of the most common structures for real estate joint ventures is the limited liability company. After all, it is one of just a few alternatives that provides an enticing blend of limited liability and structural flexibility. Like all joint ventures, though, the LLC is not ...

  • 08.11.14

    Finding Common Ground On Crime

    This summer New York City is getting locked into a political cold war over crime fighting strategies. This political conflict has emerged in the wake of the tragic death of Eric Garner and statistics showing a marked uptick in shootings.



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