• 05.01.23

    New Federal Laws Protect Pregnant, Breastfeeding Workers

    Pregnant and breastfeeding workers will soon have additional rights under two new federal laws, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act.

  • 05.01.23

    California Appellate Panel Keeps Prop 22 Alive

    In the ongoing litigation over Proposition 22, California’s voter-approved ballot measure that exempted ride-sharing companies from Assembly Bill 5, a state appellate panel affirmed in part a ruling that the proposition is invalid but severed the offending provision to keep the law in effect.

  • 05.01.23

    DOL Weighs In on FMLA

    In a recent bulletin, the Department of Labor provided an important reminder to employers that a remote worker may be eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, while also sharing an opinion letter considering whether an employee may use FMLA leave to limit their work schedule for ...

  • 03.27.23

    FAA Preempts AB 51, Ninth Circuit Holds

    The battle over arbitration in California continues, with a divided panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the Federal Arbitration Act preempts the state’s Assembly Bill 51, a law that prohibits employers from requiring employees to execute an arbitration agreement as a ...

  • 03.27.23

    NLRB: Confidentiality, Non-Disparagement Provisions Violate NLRA

    Offering an employee a severance agreement that includes confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions runs afoul of Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), a divided National Labor Relations Bureau (NLRB) recently ruled.

  • 03.27.23

    California Appellate Panel Defines ‘Willful’ Wage Nonpayment and ‘Good Faith Dispute’

    A California appellate panel has weighed in on premium pay in a decision on remand from the state’s highest court, with an employer-friendly result.

  • 03.27.23

    SCOTUS Sides With Daily-Rate Employee

    Siding with an employee, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a daily-rate employee was entitled to overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) despite the fact he earned over $200,000 annually.

  • 03.27.23

    California Considers New Employment Legislation

    With the 2023 California legislative session underway, employers should keep an eye on several employment-related bills already pending.

  • 02.16.23

    New Guidance on California’s Pay Disclosure Law

    To help guide employers toward compliance with the state’s expanded pay disclosure law, the released FAQ guidance.

  • 02.16.23

    FTC Proposes Ban on Noncompetes

    Starting 2023 off with a bang, the Federal Trade Commission proposed a new rule that would ban employers from the use of noncompete agreements.



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