Today, the California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Iskanian v. CLS Transportation Los Angeles, Inc.
Recognizing the potential long-term value of EHRs for improving care and reducing costs, many hospitals considered offering physicians financial support to purchase EHR software and related health IT items and services.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ordered the largest real estate company in Alabama to pay $500,000 for allegedly inadequate disclosures to consumers during the home-buying process.
Manatt, along with cosponsors the San Francisco 49ers, San Jose Sharks and Oakland A’s, will be sponsoring the Fifth Annual Sports Law and Ethics Symposium at Santa Clara University on September 11, 2014.
Just days after Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) reintroduced his geolocation privacy bill, Jessica Rich of the Federal Trade Commission testified before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee about the agency’s efforts to protect the privacy of consumers’ geolocation data.
Running a Cyber Monday promotion led to a Telephone Consumer Protection Act lawsuit for Cosmopolitan Hotels & Resorts.
Genetically modified organisms continue to present advertisers with problems, as evidenced by new decisions from a New York federal court and the National Advertising Division.
An employer won a rare victory in a suitable seating case when a California appellate court affirmed summary judgment in a suit brought by a sample worker.
The Court in Bowman held that a permit condition could not be modified or deleted by a second permit that included the same project, even if the first permit had expired.
Taking another look at native advertising, the National Advertising Division recommended that Internet-based ad company Taboola modify its “recommendation widget” so that consumers can more clearly understand that clicking on links will take them to sponsored content.