• 05.04.20

    SEC Proposals to Simplify Exempt Offerings are Just in Time

    Manatt partners Katherine Blair and Thomas Poletti and associate Jonathan Brecher co-authored an article for Law360 on the SEC’s recently proposed rules to expand and simplify certain aspects of exempt offerings. In article, they noted that the proposed rules are “a step in the right ...

  • 05.02.20

    State Strategies for Helping Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder Through the COVID-19 Epidemic

    Manatt Health managing director Jocelyn Guyer co-authored an article alongside the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts president Karen Scott for Health Affairs on specific strategies that the federal government, states and other stakeholders can use to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on ...

  • 04.30.20

    Coastal Property ‘Managed Retreat’ – A Sensible and Tempered Climate Mitigation Strategy or a ...

    Manatt land use partner David Smith authored an article for Climate Change Law and Policy Reporter on the increased focus the public at large and regulatory officials are placing on “managed retreat.” In the article, Smith highlighted the impact that enactments of local elected ...

  • 04.24.20

    Virtual Depositions in the Time of COVID-19: A Personal Account

    Manatt litigation partner Donald Brown penned an article for Daily Journal offering his personal account of virtual depositions amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In the article, Brown noted some observations and provided pointers following his recent experiences with online depositions. “Online ...

  • 04.16.20

    An Overview of Upcoming COVID-19-related Actions from the Los Angeles City Council

    Manatt government and regulatory partner Brandon Young and associate Jacob Itzkowitz co-authored an article for Daily Journal providing an overview of various proposals the city counsel of Los Angeles is considering in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the article, Young and Itzkowitz note that ...

  • 04.15.20

    Two-part Series: COVID-19 Redefines Commercial Leasing

    In a two-part Daily Journal series, Manatt Real Estate partners Grace Winters, Anita Famili and Martin Steere, along with associate Alison Weinberg-Fahey discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting commercial leasing, the potential allocations of risk between landlords and tenants in light ...

  • 04.13.20

    How Borrowers Can Respond to the Real Estate Downturn

    Manatt Real Estate partners Clayton Gantz and Steve Edwards, and senior counsel Tom Muller co-authored an article for Law360 on how borrowers in the real estate industry can protect themselves from a potential recession following the COVID-19 crisis. In the article, they suggest that borrowers ...

  • 04.08.20

    Examining California's Urgency And Emergency Powers

    Manatt government and regulatory partner Brandon Young and associate Jacob Itzkowitz co-authored an article for Law360 analyzing “what constitutes ‘urgency’ or an ‘emergency,’ and the requirements of these emergency powers under California law,” as more elected ...

  • 04.06.20

    Financing the Infrastructure of Accountable Communities for Health is Key to Long-Term ...

    Manatt Health partner Cindy Mann co-authored an article for Health Affairs alongside GWU Milken Institute School of Public Health’s Dora Lynn Hughes, where they conducted a legal and policy review to identify potential funding streams specifically for Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) ...

  • 04.01.20

    Conducting Internal Investigations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Manatt partners Jacqueline Wolff and Scott Lashway, and special counsel Matthew Stein co-authored an article for Law Journal Newsletters' Business Crimes Bulletin on how companies can prepare to conduct internal theft and fraud investigations for criminal activity that may result from the ...



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