• 09.11.20

    New York State’s COVID-19 Executive Order Updates

    To support COVID‑19 response efforts, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has issued more than 60 Executive Orders that temporarily waive state regulatory requirements (waivers) or impose new mandates (directives), especially with respect to the healthcare industry.

  • 08.14.20

    First Quarter State Budget Fiscal Plan Update

    On August 13, the New York State Division of Budget (NYSDOB) released its first-quarter (Q1) updates to the state fiscal year (SFY) 2020-21 financial plan, providing some of the first clear indicators of the state’s financial position as it navigates the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic ...

  • 07.24.20

    New York State Legislature Wraps Up Rare July Session

    This year’s New York State legislative session has been unprecedented due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the recent protests surrounding racial justice, and the impacts of those monumental events on public health, our economy and our society.

  • 05.29.20

    New York Forward: Moving on to Phase 2 Reopening by Industry

    New York State has released guidance for both essential businesses that have been open and nonessential businesses preparing to reopen in Phase 2 eligible regions, as authorized by Governor Cuomo.

  • 05.22.20

    New York Submits COVID-19 1115 Waiver Application

    On May 11, 2020, New York State submitted a COVID-19 1115 waiver application to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), leveraging the opportunity to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) as described in the March 22, 2020, State Medicaid Director letter and template ...

  • 05.01.20

    New York Begins Charting Course for Reopening with NY Forward Plan

    This week, the Governor’s office in New York began to outline initial steps toward a phased, regional plan, titled New York Forward, for the state’s reopening in the wake of its initial shutdown response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 03.25.19

    New York Health Act: Summarizing the Proposed Single-Payer Bill

    The proposed New York Health Act would replace all private and public (including Medicare and Medicaid) health insurance coverage for New York State residents with state-sponsored health coverage funded through new state payroll and other taxes.



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