• 03.08.12

    Toward a High Performance Health Care System for Vulnerable Populations

    Safety-net hospitals are central to healthcare delivery systems and as such play a critical role in achieving high-performance healthcare for vulnerable populations. These hospitals serve disproportionately large numbers of low-income patients, both insured and uninsured, and rely ...

  • 03.06.12

    The Role of the Basic Health Program in the Coverage Continuum: Opportunities, Risks and Considerati

    The Basic Health Program (BHP) is an optional coverage program under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that allows states to use federal tax subsidy dollars to offer subsidized coverage for individuals with incomes between 139-200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) who would ...

  • 03.05.12

    Analysis of the Basic Health Program Options for New Hampshire

    The Basic Health Program (BHP), as defined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), gives states the option to provide health insurance coverage to consumers with incomes between 138% and 200% FPL through a state administered program, supported with federal funds. States opting for ...

  • 01.13.12

    Implementing Health Homes in a Risk-Based Medicaid Managed Care Delivery System

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives Medicaid programs the option to create health homes to coordinate and better integrate primary, acute, behavioral health and long-term services and supports for beneficiaries with complex and chronic conditions. Deborah Bachrach, special counsel with Manatt, ...

  • 12.27.11

    Federally-Facilitated Exchanges and the Continuum of State Options

    Since passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on March 23, 2010, the federal government and many states have devoted an extraordinary level of resources to planning and developing the systems, policies and protocols to implement Health Insurance Exchanges that will deliver ...

  • 11.03.11

    Medicaid Managed Care: How States' Experience Can Inform Exchange Qualified Health Plan Standards

    State Affordable Insurance Exchanges (exchanges) are at the core of the coverage reform in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), establishing a marketplace in which individuals and small employers can compare and select among affordable, quality health insurance options. The ACA ...

  • 11.01.11

    Implementing National Health Reform in California: Payment and Delivery System Changes

    The California HealthCare Foundation—in a report authored by the Manatt Health team of William Bernstein, Jonah Frohlich, Brenda Pawlak and Molly Smith—provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act provisions intended to better align payment approaches with high-value care. It ...

  • 08.19.11

    Medicaid Supplemental Payments: Where Do They Fit in Payment Reform?

    In a policy brief prepared for the Center for Health Care Strategies (funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), Deborah Bachrach and Melinda Dutton of Manatt Health Solutions explore Medicaid supplemental payment arrangements within broader payment reform objectives. Medicaid is ...

  • 08.01.11

    HHS Proposed Rules on Exchange Implementation Requirements

    In an issue brief prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's State Health Reform Assistance Network, Manatt's healthcare team highlights the key sections of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' proposed rules on the American Health Benefit Exchange implementation, ...

  • 07.13.11

    Accountable Care Organizations in California: Programmatic and Legal Considerations

    The California HealthCare Foundation—in a report authored by Manatt Health—provides an overview of key policy and regulatory issues likely to arise as California policymakers consider the development of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) in the state. The paper discusses the ...



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