Calif. Mileage Limits Won't Solve Housing, Climate Problems

By: David C. Smith
– Law360

Manatt Land Use Partner David Smith authored an article for Law360 on how vehicle miles traveled (VMT) regulations in California are failing to reduce the state’s carbon emissions and are harming lower-class and middle-class workers who must drive to earn their paycheck. Smith discussed how policymakers are not funding alternative modes of transit at a meaningful scale “as VMT is being imposed as a de facto urban growth boundary, causing grave impacts on the already prohibitive cost and scarcity of housing throughout California.” He also stated how, in some regions of California, compliance with the local VMT regime may increase the cost of housing significantly. “Rather than pit transportation and housing against each other as competing and potentially irreconcilable priorities, we should build climate incentives into robust strategies to encourage the provision of housing,” Smith said. 

Law360 subscribers can read the full article here.  



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