PA and NP Compliance Considerations for Providers

Manatt Health Partner Randi Seigel and Associate Daniel Weinstein co-authored an article for Compliance Today about how health care providers that use physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) can ensure compliance with evolving state and federal regulations.  

In the article, Seigel and Weinstein explained how the role of advanced practice providers (APPs)—most notably PAs and NPs—in delivering health care services has become increasingly important as the provider landscape and delivery platforms evolve. Complying with the evolving regulations has become difficult, however, especially as it relates to telehealth care. “If compliance professionals are not attuned to recent enforcement trends and the regulatory environment in which APPs find themselves, licenses of such APPs and physicians alike—and employing providers—may be in the crosshairs,” the authors said.  

They advised providers to be deliberate in overseeing their policies and procedures to ensure they are complying with both state and federal requirements governing service delivery and billing, in addition to performing regular audits to be sure the appropriate procedures are being followed and effectively mitigating risk. 

Read the complete Compliance Today article here.