Who’s in Chambers: Law Clerk Diversity

In his latest column for Daily Journal, Manatt Appellate Partner Benjamin Shatz discussed the key aspects that federal appeals court judges consider when selecting a clerk.  

Based on a recent law review article that analyzed anonymous interviews of 50 active federal appellate judges, Shatz discussed different elements that judges examine when they are deciding on a clerk including diversity, law school and skillset. From factors such as diversity of gender, socioeconomic background and ethnic backgrounds to law school name recognition and academic performance, he identified eight key takeaways from the interviews that provide insight to the clerks that can have a major influence in how appeals are decided. Shatz further discussed the authors’ case for compiling and releasing publicly an annual report of law clerk demographics that could provide deeper insight into the people rarely seen but so deeply involved in the judicial process. 

Daily Journal subscribers can read the full article here.