• 02.01.16

    The Grand Bargain: Congress Approves U.S. Crude Oil Export

    On December 18, President Obama signed into law H.R. 2029, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, otherwise known as the Omnibus Appropriations bill. This $1.15 trillion measure funded the Federal Government though Fiscal Year 2016, and also contained the Tax Extenders bill. Included in this ...

  • 01.30.16

    Concussions Rise 58%...And NFL Pats Itself on the Back

    Super Bowl Festivities are in full swing in San Francisco, as indicated by no less than seven major articles in the sports section of today's San Francisco Chronicle. Tucked away on page 5 of that section are a number of items headed "NFL Notes," the second of which, in small print, is ...

  • 01.28.16

    Scorecard: 2015 Digital Media Predictions

    Last year on TechCrunch, I made eight predictions about digital media. This post compares those predictions to the reality that is digital media in 2015.Prediction 1: The mobile-driven, premium, short-form video economy "grows up," and traditional media companies finally take notice on a mass ...

  • 01.27.16

    NCAA Delay in Lessening Athletes' Workload Turns Amateurism on Its Head

    At its convention earlier this month, the National Collegiate Athletic Association delayed, for at least a year, action on a proposal that would give so-called student-athletes some, but not much, time off. The proposals were modest, including a break for two weeks after the end of a season, a ...

  • 01.20.16

    Big Picture-What Could We See in 2016?

    Despite the year-end Fed announcement, the current spirit of the real estate market seems generally positive, or as put by one senior capital markets executive: "We've learned some lessons [about gauging risks] in the not-too-distant past." Industry experts add that the short-term effects of ...

  • 01.19.16

    New NCAA Basketball Eligibility Rules Apply to Less Than One One-Hundredth of NCAA Players

    Last week the NCAA announced new, loosened rules for students contemplating entering the NBA draft. Considering the NBA draft figures for the most recent year listed on the NCAA website (2013), this rule change will affect far less than one percent of those playing NCAA basketball. This ...

  • 01.15.16

    It's Hard to Move an NFL Franchise to the High Ground

    If a manufacturer of widgets wanted to move his factory from St. Louis to Los Angeles, it would probably not cause any legal problems. If an association of 32 widget manufacturers decided that such a move should (or shouldn't) be made, the antitrust laws, which prohibit concerted activities ...

  • 01.13.16

    Typical Monday Night Football: Little Said About Education

    The college football championship game last Monday night was an exciting contest between two superb teams. The fact that education is the primary mission of the institutions they represent, however, was barely mentioned in the telecast. In fact, it seemed irrelevant. This was an athletic ...

  • 01.12.16

    Congress Approves Export of U.S. Crude Oil

    On December 18, President Obama signed into law HR 2029, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, the so-called Omnibus Appropriations bill. This $1.15 trillion measure funded the Federal Government through FY 2016. Included in this seemingly unrelated Omnibus package were provisions that ended ...

  • 01.11.16

    Barriers for Using ACOs for Multipayer Contracting

    In the initial rules governing the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) released in 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stated that it intended for the MSSP to create a platform for multipayer value-based purchasing. Once nascent accountable care organizations (ACOs) gained ...



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