Manatt Named a Top Firm for Women for Tenth Consecutive Year

Working Mother magazine has named Manatt one of the nation’s top law firms for women. This year’s honor marks a decade for Manatt on the prestigious "50 Best Law Firms for Women" list––each year the designation has been given. The list honors the law firms that have family-friendly policies and career and business development initiatives that help retain and advance women lawyers.
In its profile of Manatt, Working Mother notes that “partnership discussions here leave out one key detail: candidates’ full- or part-time status, deemed irrelevant to promotion. Off-site work is common; management tracks time spent serving clients, not in-office hours.”
In 2007, Working Mother founded the 50 Best Law Firms for Women initiative to celebrate the law firms that are most successful in retaining and promoting women lawyers. The selected firms lead the industry in supporting flexible work arrangements and offering generous paid parental leave. The Best Law Firms initiative also focuses on women’s business development and parity in compensation, as well as increasing women's representation among the equity partnership and leadership ranks.
This year, for the first time, Working Mother worked in collaboration with the ABA Journal as a knowledge partner.
The full list of the 2017 Working Mother’s Best Law Firms for Women is posted here with highlights on representation of women and women of color in key leadership roles, and usage and promotion rates for reduced-hour lawyers, among other key points.
Manatt was also recognized this month by Law360 as a top ten law firm for women lawyers, ranking seventh nationally for firms with between 300 and 599 lawyers.