Manatt to Host Public Pension Fund Fiduciary Forum

Please join us March 25-26, 2010 at our San Francisco office as we host the Public Pension Fund Fiduciary Forum: New Rules of the Road 2010. Public pension fund trustees and executives face increasingly complex legal issues as the rules of the road continue to change. Negotiating this multi-faceted legal landscape requires a strong understanding of the evolving issues confronting public pension funds. This program is designed for trustees, executive officers, and in-house counsel.

Attendees at this event will:

  • Discuss the hot-off-the press issues, including state and federal court decisions in conflict of interest cases brought against public pension fund fiduciaries (Lexin v. Superior Court to be decided by February 2010)
  • Analyze current state and federal legislation designed to minimize conflicts of interest by public pension fund fiduciaries (AB 1584 and SEC pay-to-play)
  • Consider litigation involving benefit issues, vested rights claims, and more!
  • Lunch Topic: An Insider’s Look at National Health Care Reform

Lodging & Cost 
We have reserved a block of rooms at Le Meridien Hotel at a rate of $209 per night. To reserve your room, please call the hotel directly at the (415) 296-2964. The fee to attend the forum is $250, which covers all meals and incidentals.

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips
San Francisco Office
One Embarcadero Center
30th floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Carmela Ochoa 



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