Manatt sponsors the Women in Business Pavilion at the ERA D2C Convention in Vegas

For the third consecutive year, Manatt will host co-host its popular Women in Business Pavilion with the Electronic Retailing Association at the annual D2C Convention on September 13-15, 2011. Since 2009, we have invited prominent women in the industry to connect with conference attendees in a unique, interactive platform, and each year, our Pavilion guests have been energized and inspired by listening to the strategies these female leaders have employed to successfully build their direct response businesses. This year, Manatt is proud to align with the following companies: NEWTHYNK, Time Life Inc., Lipstick, Inc., Avalanche Creative Services, Inc. and Cuore Group.

The ERA D2C Convention will be held in Las Vegas on September 13-15, 2011.

For more information, click here.



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