Manatt hosts webinar "Employer Healthcare Coverage: Are You Ready for 2014"
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions that require large employers to offer group healthcare coverage to their employees, or pay penalty assessments if they do not, go into effect in 2014. Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the validity of the ACA, the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Labor, and Department of Health and Human Services have begun to issue guidance on the ACA's implications for employers. Importantly, during 2013, employers will need to prepare to meet the new requirements and to provide notices to all of their employees regarding coverage options available under Exchanges.
Please join Manatt professionals for a one-hour complimentary webinar that will answer these important questions:
- Is my company a large employer?
- Who are its full-time employees?
- When must coverage be provided?
- What makes coverage affordable? And what does the "minimum value" requirement mean?
- What are the consequences of not providing coverage?
- What are the employer notice, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements?
- What coverage alternatives are available for employers and employees?
- What is happening with state Exchanges and the federal backup Exchange? And how do the public Exchanges relate to the expanding number of private Exchanges?
- What are insurance companies doing to help?
- What more should I be asking of our insurer? And of our insurance broker?
The webinar will take place on February 28 from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. PST, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. EST.
This program has been approved for one hour of general MCLE credit by the State Bars of California and New York.
Manatt partner, David Herbst will speak with Joel Ario, Managing Director at Manatt Health Solutions, and Jay Vogel of the The Camps Group.
For more information, please contact Carmela Lopez at