Manatt to host webinar "Are You Ready for New TCPA Consent Requirements?"

The risks and costs associated with sending text or pre-recorded phone messages to consumers can be significant across a wide spectrum of businesses. Fines for violations under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) begin at $500 per call or text message, and, when tripled in a class action, can potentially bankrupt a company. Effective October 16, 2013, the FCC's updated TCPA regulations go into effect and heighten the need for attention to compliance. The new rules pose significant implementation challenges by requiring that consumers give express written consent before receiving marketing calls or text messages. Further complicating the matter, the number of lawsuits alleging violations of the TCPA, even for informational calls or texts, has increased dramatically in recent years and the new written consent standard will likely cause that tide to rise. In addition, the upcoming changes are significant because these new consent standards now apply to banks, insurance companies and airlines.

In an advanced, no-cost webinar on June 19, 2013, attorneys Marc Roth and Becca Wahlquist of Manatt will join forces with Ken Sponsler of CompliancePoint, a leading direct marketing and security compliance firm, to update you on recent legal developments and case law, provide insights on enforcement trends and strategies, and discuss solutions that will help you remain ahead of the curve in meeting TCPA challenges.

Who should attend: This program is designed for industry counsel and risk management executives who are responsible for legal and regulatory compliance.

Now is the time to learn about:

  • Applying Laws and Industry Standards: The TCPA and Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Guidelines
  • The TCPA Final Rules for Prior Written Express Consent
  • Recent Noteworthy Decisions in TCPA Litigation
  • Common Issues in Resolving TCPA Class Actions
  • Evolving Compliance: Recent FCC Declaratory Rulings, Upcoming Changes to the TCPA and the FTC's Aggressive Privacy Agenda
  • Navigating the Nuances: Opt-In, Opt-Out and Call-to-Action Disclosure Requirements
  • Avoiding Vicarious Liability: Keep a Close Eye on Your Vendors and Lead Generation Partners

Earn CLE credit in NY and CA.