Joel Ario Comments on Health Exchange Rates
Joel Ario Comments on Health Exchange Rates
"U.S. Officials Share Specifics on Health Plans"
Philadelphia Inquirer
September 25, 2013 - Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, spoke to the Philadelphia Inquirer about the rates that consumers can expect to see when the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges go live on October 1.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the average monthly premium for the lowest cost "bronze" individual plans will be $229 in Pennsylvania, which is among the lowest in the nation. New Jersey's will be $333, putting it among the nation's highest. Nationwide, premiums sold through the exchanges will be 16 percent lower than originally estimated.
For people who want to buy lower-cost plans - a crucial market because more healthy young adults will help balance out older people with more expensive medical conditions - "there are going to be some good prices out there," said Ario, who said he had seen some of the state numbers before they were released.
Federal officials cautioned that figures were averages and some data could change. Actual rates for individual companies will not be released until the websites where consumers can shop for insurance start operating.
Read the article here.