Wall Street Journal Interviews Manatt Partner on BHP Billiton's Sale of Coal Mine to Navajo Nation

Wall Street Journal Interviews Manatt Partner on BHP Billiton's Sale of Coal Mine to Navajo Nation

"BHP Billiton Agrees $85 Million Sale of New Mexico Coal Mine"
The Wall Street Journal

October 31, 2013 - The Wall Street Journal interviewed Manatt's Craig Moyer, chair of the firm's Land, Environment & Natural Resources Division, on BHP Billiton's signed agreement to sell a coal mine in New Mexico to the Navajo Nation for roughly $85 million.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the deal had been delayed in mid-June by proposed reforms in Arizona's electricity market, until last month when the Arizona Corporation Commission decided not to push ahead with the deregulation of the market at this time.

"There's nothing of consequence to be negotiated any more; there's just a lot of paper work to go through," said Moyer, who is lead counsel for the Navajo Nation.

Read the article here.