L.A. Judge Compels Arbitration for Class Suing Toyota

Post-McGill, L.A. Judge Compels Arbitration for Class Suing Toyota
– Daily Journal

The Daily Journal covered Manatt’s successful representation of Toyota Motor Corporation’s financial arm in a case challenging its lending calculations. Judge Ann I. Jones of the Los Angeles County Superior Court has ruled that class members seeking relief over alleged illegal lease fees must enter arbitration with Toyota. Manatt’s team was led by Donna Wilson, co-chair of the firm’s financial services practice.

According to the publication, the decision was originally stayed pending the recent Supreme Court decision in McGill v. Citibank, which determined that the bank could not compel an arbitration contract that waived a cardholder’s claim for injunctive relief. Significantly, this is the first post-McGill decision to express that the 2011 Concepcion ruling is more heavily weighted than the Supreme Court’s Broughton-Cruz line.



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