Brisbane Residents Voice Opinions on Housing Laws, New Developments

Cities Blame State Lawmakers for Unpopular Housing Decisions
– Santa Cruz Sentinel

Manatt’s Tom McMorrow, chair of the firm’s California state government and regulatory practice, was quoted by the Santa Cruz Sentinel for an article on the city’s response to lawmakers’ recent housing decisions.

The publication explained that the city of Brisbane is one of many cities grappling with Sacramento’s forceful response to California’s housing crisis. McMorrow presented two options to the Brisbane City Council: allow 2,000 homes to be built on a barren 684 acres, or risk tangling with state lawmakers who have threatened to jam through a development twice as large.

“We talked to the Council about everything, from doing a full-throated fight with Sacramento to doing a very quick and dirty compromise, which is done in Sacramento all the time,” said McMorrow, on his presentation to the residents and the City Council of Brisbane. “Issues don’t just go away because you’ve defeated them once. The way you get them to go away is by responsible compromise.”

Read the article here



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