Donner Authored Bloomberg Law Article on PTAB Precedential Decision
Manatt intellectual property protection and enforcement partner Irah Donner wrote an article for Bloomberg Law on the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s precedential decision in DTN, LLC v. Farms Technology, LLC, which clarified what must be disclosed alongside settlement agreements. He also reviewed the board’s decision to designate as informative three opinions regarding design patents, motions to amend and presentation of confidential information during oral arguments. In the article, Donner offered key takeaways for practitioners following these recent decisions, saying, “the board continues to provide clarity regarding procedures for instituting, conducting and settling [inter partes reviews (IPRs)] via the issuance of precedential and informative decisions. These clarifications will be beneficial to petitioners and patent owners alike and should provide more predictability in the IPR process and allow the parties to focus more on substance as opposed to procedure.”