How Can You Attract Patients Beyond Your Local Market?

International patients seeking advanced medical treatment spent more than $3.5 billion in the United States in 2015, increasing more than 25% since 2010.1 Each year, 300,000 international patients visit this country for quality medical care.2 Domestic medical travel is also on the rise. It’s estimated that 15% of the nation’s top-50 employers now offer domestic medical travel programs.3

Each year, 300,000 international patients visit this country for quality medical care.2

How can you reach, attract and support patients from across the country—and around the world? How can you provide high-quality care and support to patients outside your local region? Find out at Manatt’s new webinar, “Tapping into Global and National Patient Markets.” Click here to watch free and discover:

  • Proven approaches for benefiting from the boom in international and domestic medical travel
  • Successful strategies that destination medical centers use to attract and support national and international patients
  • The challenges of providing care and follow-up to patients beyond your geographic boundaries—and how to overcome them
  • The potential for using telehealth and customer relationship management (CRM) tools to engage patients, facilitate services and improve care quality
  • Best practices you can learn from other industries that are effectively attracting and serving national and global markets

Click here to watch free now.


Michael Merritt, Jr., Managing Director, Manatt Health
Jared Augenstein, Senior Manager, Manatt Health

Date and Time:

The webinar was held on Wednesday, October 25, 2017.

1U.S. Cooperative of International Patient Programs
2Patients Beyond Borders
3“Medical Travel: Access to Savings and Quality Healthcare,” The Balance, Laura Carabello, September 2015.

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