Pitfalls of Social Media in the Workplace

Social media is rapidly expanding in scope and utilization, and has fundamentally shifted how people discover information and communicate with each other. Manatt’s employment and labor practice hosted a complimentary webinar that explored key developments impacting employers and provided practical guidance for assessing or reacting to social media or electronic device usage. Topics covered included strategic considerations for use of social media and electronic devices, employee privacy considerations, and protection of trade secrets and confidential information.


The webinar was held Oct. 3, 2017.

If you would like to receive an audio transcript of this webinar due to accessibility issues, please email us at webinars@manatt.com.

This program does not constitute legal advice, nor does it establish an attorney-client relationship. Views expressed by presenters are strictly their own and should not be construed to be the views of Manatt or attributed to Manatt.



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